A Sample Research Paper on Running

Running is a form of exercise that is most convenient to most people as it requires no training or equipment. You can have been tasked with writing a research paper on benefits of running that most people find easy to write. Carrying out running research can be interesting. There are many facts about running that you can come across or experience when you get the right motivation to start running by yourself. The science of running is not that complicated if you seek to cover it in your research paper on running.

Here are some good running tips for beginners that you could cover in your research paper:

Ideas for your research paper on benefits of running

  1. Development of a healthy heart

You better start running in case you seek to have a fully functional, healthy heart. Running is a cardiovascular exercise that is good for the heart as it promotes improvement in blood circulation within your body. As a result of improved circulation, you have a reduced likelihood of experiencing a stroke or having a heart attack.

  1. Increasing HDL and reducing triglyceride

HDL is a form of good cholesterol for the body, while triglyceride is bad cholesterol. Running burns down the harmful fats. Furthermore, the immune system becomes stronger and more resilient.

  1. Improving mental health

Improvement of your mental health is what is important to remember when running, as your mental health affects your well-being.  Running subconsciously improves your mood for the day and lifts your spirits and self-esteem. Running influences better blood flow; brainpower is improved as there is increased reception of nutrients and oxygen in your body system.

  1. Relieving stress

Running has a way of influencing the stress levels of an individual. You are more likely to feel less stressed if you engage in running daily compared to another person who does not run at all. A “runner’s high” experience with a running routine makes you feel happy, soft-tempered, patient, and with a good sense of humor.

  1. Mood regulation

Studies on running reveal that there are low levels of anxiety among frequent runners.  The serotonin receptors located in the brain have the role of regulating your mood. Through running, the activity of the serotonin receptors is reduced, making you maintain a good mood.

  1. Giving a glowing complexion

Running causes one to sweat, and waste products and toxins within the body are eliminated through sweat. Such elimination is responsible for giving you that glowing complexion you see on other runners.

Risks of running

Too much of anything has its side effects, and running is no exception to that. If you can run more than 40 miles a week, studies reveal that there are higher chances that you can be injured due to running. Regulating your running to not more than four days a week is one of the good running tips for beginners. It is because too much running as a beginner stresses your weight-bearing joints that need time to recover.

Knee injury is a common issue associated with running, and you can experience knee pain. However, knee pain problems can be solved by stretching the quadriceps to make them strong.

Plantar fasciitis is another risk of running you need to be informed about. The injury occurs due to the inflaming of the band of tissues from the toe to the heel of your foot. Daily stretching of your feet can reduce the pain of such an injury.


Running can be fun, but it is important to consult your doctor before engaging in a running program. Check-ups are important depending on your age, especially if you are above 40 years and have health issues related to the heart or have a pre-existing condition. Seek tips about the correct posture of running to prevent injury. What is important to remember when running is to stay hydrated adequately and to avoid overeating. Consume healthy carbohydrates and fibers for energy and fruits to facilitate muscle repairs. Have the right footwear and reap the health benefits of running.